Date, Time, and Room |
Lecture Title and Contents |
4 Sep 2012 Tuesday 08:45-10:30 AUD 2 |
Lecture 1: Introduction to the course
- Motivation and historical perspective on the development of web analytics
- Overview of the covered topics and connections to other related courses
- Practicalities
4 Sep 2012 Tuesday 10:45-12:30 PAV L10 |
Instructions/Tutorial 1: Introduction to the instructions, exercises, tutorials. and homeworks
- Overview of the homeworks and corresponding deadlines
- What to expect from the instructions and tutorials
5 Sep 2012 Wednesday 13:45-15:30 AUD 16 |
Lecture 2: Web analytics at e-Business scale
- Framework for mapping business needs to web analytics tasks
- Examples of success stories and currently missed opportunities
6 Sep 2012 Thursday 15:45-17:30 PAV L10 |
Instructions/Tutorial 2: Web Analytics at e-Business scale
- Data collection architecture
- Introduction to OLAP, Web data exploration and reporting
- Introduction to
11 Sep 2012 Tuesday 08:45 - 10:30 AUD 2 |
Lecture 3: Computational advertisement
- Display and search advertising
- Ad Auctions
- Conversion attribution
11 Sep 2012 Tuesday 10:45-12:30 PAV L10 |
Instructions/Tutorial 3: Computational advertisement
- Bidding strategies
- Introduction to Google AdWords and O2MC
- Simulation tool
12 Sep 2012 Wednesday 13:45-15:30 AUD 16 |
Lecture 4: Knowledge discovery from web data
- Major computing paradigms
- Typical problem formulations
13 Sep 2012 Thursday 15:45-17:30 PAV L10 |
Instructions/Tutorial 4: Introduction to DM tools.
18 Sep 2012 Tuesday 15:45 - 17:30 AUD 2 |
Lecture 5: Predictive modeling. Classification
- Generative and discriminative models
- Classification vs. regression vs. ranking vs. prediction
- Active learning and semi-supervised learning
18 Sep 2012 Tuesday 10:45-12:30 PAV L10 |
Instructions/Tutorial 5: Data preprocessing
- Different representations (vector space)
- Dimensionality reduction
- Sampling
- Discretization
19 Sep 2012 Wednesday 13:45-15:30 AUD 16 |
Lecture 6: Predictive modeling. Evaluation.
- Remainder from lecture 5
- Cross-validation vs. prequential evaluation
- Cost-sensitive classification
20 Sep 2012 Thursday 15:45-17:30 PAV L10 |
Instructions/Tutorial 6: Cost-sensitive classification
- Translate business problem to data mining problem
- User profiling
- Training and evaluating models
25 Sep 2012 Tuesday 08:45-10:30 AUD 2 |
Lecture 7: Descriptive modeling. Clustering.
- Partitional clustering (kMeans and DBSCAN)
- Hierarchical clustering (AHC)
- Evaluation of clustering (statistical vs. utility-based)
25 Sep 2012 Tuesday 10:45-12:30 PAV L10 |
Instructions/Tutorial 7: Clustering
- user segmentation with clustering
- subgroup discovery
26 Sep 2012 Wednesday 13:45-15:30 AUD 16 |
Lecture 8: Pattern mining.
- Frequent itemset mining
- Frequent sequence mining
- Subgroup discovery
27 Sep 2012 Thursday 15:45-17:30 PAV L10 |
Instructions/Tutorial 8: Pattern mining
- Association rule mining
- Query auto-correction
- Uplift modeling
2 Oct 2012 Tuesday 08:45-10:30 AUD 2 |
Lecture 9: Recommendation strategies.
- Content-based filtering
- Collaborative filtering
- Hybrid strategies
2 Oct 2012 Tuesday 10:45-12:30 PAV L10 |
Instructions/Tutorial 9: Recommender systems
- Exercises: Text processing, tf.idf, cosine similarity for content-based filtering;
- Collaborative filtering and hybridization ideas
- Problems of biased data, explore/exploit and normalization
3 Oct 2012 Wednesday 13:45-15:30 AUD 16 |
Lecture 10: Web analytics at Web scale
- Properties of large-scale networks (degree, diameter, centrality, clustering)
- PageRank and HITS
- Web spam, truth finding
4 Oct 2012 Thursday 15:45-17:30 PAV L10 |
Instructions/Tutorial 10: Computing properties of social networks
9 Oct 2012 Tuesday 08:45-10:30 AUD 2 |
Lecture 11: Information propagation in networks
- Influence propagation, viral marketing
- Acceptance behavior, general contagion model
9 Oct 2012 Tuesday 10:45-12:30 PAV L10 |
Lecture 12: Modeling evolution of large networks (instead of the tutorial)
- How do networks grow
- Random graphs, rich-gets-richer, community-guided attachment, Kronecker graphs
10 Oct 2012 Wednesday 13:45-15:30 AUD 16 |
Instructions/Tutorial 11: SNA, Sentiment analysis (instead of the lecture)
- How to collect, store and manage social media data
- How to perform sentiment analysis and get is summarized
11 Oct 2012 Thursday 15:45-17:30 PAV L10 |
Instructions/Tutorial 12: SNA: Dutch elections case
16 Oct 2012 Tuesday 08:45-10:30 AUD 2 |
Lecture 13: Heterogeneous network
- analytics (top influencing nodes, ambassadors, etc)
- mining (clustering, classification, prediction) MetaPath
- construction (information extraction)
16 Oct 2012 Tuesday 10:45-12:30 PAV L10 |
Instructions/Tutorial 13: SNA, Dutch elections case
- Mining heterogeneous networks
17 Oct 2012 Wednesday 13:45-15:30 AUD 16 |
Lecture 14: Web as experimentation platform
- Theory and practice A/B and multivariate testing
- Connections to data mining
- Connections to multi-armed bandits
18 Oct 2012 Thursday 15:45-17:30 PAV L10 |
Instructions/Tutorial 14: Web as experimentation platform
- Case studies on web as experimentation platform.
- Reflection on SNA: Dutch elections homework.
23 Oct 2012 Tuesday 08:45-10:30 AUD 2 |
Lecture 15: Summary of the course
- Question-answering session
- Overview of topics not covered in the course
- Future of Web analytics
23 Oct 2012 Tuesday 10:45-12:30 PAV L10 |
Instructions/Tutorial 15: Trial exam
- It is not mandatory to take the trial exam
24 Oct 2012 Wednesday 13:45-15:30 AUD 16 |
QA session: Question-answering on the trial exam |
25 Oct 2012 Thursday 15:45-17:30 PAV L10 |
QA session: Question-answering on the homeworks |
01 Nov 2012 Thursday 14:00-17:00 Place t.b.a. |
- Do not forget to register on OWInfo.
- The results will be available on Nov 15.
- You can come and check your results Nov 19, 10.00-12.00