
2ID95 – Databases and Hypermedia IS seminar

Description: Description: http://www.win.tue.nl/~mpechen/conf/cbms2008/images/important.gif Important! If you plan to take 2ID95 in Autumn 2011 please register to the course sending an e-mail to 2ID95.lecturers@gmail.com; you will be added to the course mailing list and get access to a shared Dropbox folder where course material will be located. (2ID95_Fall2011 Google group or 2ID95.students@gmail.com)

We need to have a good estimate of participants to organize the seminar in the best way so please register asap. If you have a topic or assignment description for your master project already please let us know about this as well.


Course organization

This seminar is organized by the expertise group on Databases and Hypermedia.

Lecturers: Mykola Pechenizkiy and Toon Calders


Program: BIS, CSE, ES

Course Info: OWInfo

This seminar focuses on studying selected topics and the current state of the art in the areas of data mining, information retrieval, adaptive systems, and recommender systems as well as their various cross-roads. The topics may include (but are not limited to) different aspects of personalization and adaptation in IS, user modeling, privacy-preservation, domain knowledge integration, ontologies and semantic web, development of generic frameworks and approaches, handling streaming data, and developing specialized applications.

A detailed list of recommended titles and reading material will be made available during the course.
Please notice that this seminar series first of all is aimed to help master level students in preparation for their graduation projects. Therefore, a reasonable degree of freedom will be given in the selection of topics and assignments.

The students taking this seminar are expected:

  • to provide an overview (with a focus on research questions) of the important research papers in these areas,
  • to study common underlying techniques and research methods,
  • to find/identify potential research projects, and
  • to conduct experiments (or develop a framework; depends on a selected topic/assignment) and report the findings
  • to present and defend the obtained results.



Two reports:

·       Intermediate literature analysis and problem description report,

·       Final report that includes literature analysis, description of research question(s), proposed approach and obtained results. Depending on the type of the project you may need to enclose different appendixes including data, software, results and alike.

Each student (or a group of 2 students in case of many participants) will make correspondingly two presentations:

·       Intermediate about the literature analysis and problem formulation, and

·       Final about the research question(s), approach and obtained results.

Format and Participation

·       Introduction to selected areas, topics, problem formulation by the responsible lecturers, other staff members of DH group and guest lecturers.

·       Student presentations followed by discussions moderated by the responsible lecturer.


The schedule will be fixed shortly after the first meeting on Thursday (15:45 – 17:30), 8 September 2011 in laplace-gebouw -1.19.

Tentative schedule

8 Sep 2010

Introductory meeting (Mykola Pechenizkiy and Toon Calders)

Overview of possible assignments within the group and externally with companies (Teezir, Adversitement, C-Content, Philips Research)

15 Sep 2011

MISS: Mining Social Structures from Genealogical Data (Toon Calders)

Compass: Complex Patterns in Streams (Toon Calders)

22 Sep 2011

CoDaK:  Co-evolving Document collections & Knowledge structures (Wouter Bosma)

Challenges in RDF query processing (George Fletcher and Yongming Luo)

29 Sep 2011

Automated Internet based tracking of the toy/gadget product market: is it possible? (Koen Holtman, Philips Research)

Some open problems in web data management (George Fletcher)

6 Oct 2011

Context-aware predictive analytics (Mykola Pechenizkiy)

Learning the effect of marketing actions (Mykola Pechenizkiy or Indre Zliobaite)

13 Oct 2011

Stress@work: Linking sensor data with activity events and sentiment data (Mykola Pechenizkiy)

Handling Concept Drift in the Wild (Jorn Bakker)

20 Oct 2011

Adaptive adaptation: towards the intuitive learning environment? (Paul De Bra)

Challenges in Data-Driven Decision Making with Web Analytics (Guido Budziak)

27 Oct 2011

How to write a good MSc thesis and get a high grade (Mykola Pechenizkiy and Toon Calders)

Question answering sessions

17 Nov 2011

Midterm presentations of research topics by students

24 Nov 2011

Midterm presentations of research topics by students

12 Jan 2011

Final presentations of project results by students

19 Jan 2011

All grades are sent to the administration


Last updated: 9 August 2011.