Date, Time, and Room |
Lecture Title and
Contents |
Introduction to IR book (draft available
31 Aug 2015 Monday 13:45 - 15:30 PAV B2 |
Lecture 1: Introduction to the course
- Basic IR terminology, ideas, architecture
- Course overview, practicalities
- Overview of possible group project assignments
Ch. 1 |
31 Aug 2015 Monday 15:45 - 17:30 |
No lecture: start of the academic year.
- The lecture is rescheduled to 2 Sep 8.45 - 10.30, IPO 0.98
2 Sep 2015 Wednesday 8:45 - 10:30 AUD 08 |
Lecture 2: Boolean IR and Document indexing
- Boolean information retrieval
- Inverted, skip and positional index
Ch. 1,
Ch. 2,
Ch. 3, (optional)
Ch. 4, (optional)
2 Sep 2015 Wednesday 10:45 - 12:30 IPO 0.98 |
Lecture 3: Vector space retrieval
- From Boolean to vector space retrieval
- Latent-Concept Models
- Relevance feedback and query expansion
Ch. 6,
Ch. 18,
Ch. 9
7 Sep 2015 Monday 13:45-15:30 PAV B2 |
Lecture 4: Probabilistic IR
- Probability ranking principle
- Language models
- Understanding the commonalities and differences of IR models
Ch. 11,
Ch. 12,
| |
7 Sep 2015 Monday 15:45 - 17:30 PAV B2 |
Lecture 5: IR Evaluation: basics
- Basic evaluation principles
- Metrics, experimentation protocols, benchmarking
- Experimentation culture in IR, R&D
Ch. 8,
9 Sep 2015 Wednesday 10:45 - 12:30 |
No lecture: unsupervised group work on project proposals
- You have 2-4 hours of dedicated in-class time (IPO 0.98 is available from 8:45) to work on this
- In Sakai\Resources\Project there are templates and examples
14 Sep 2015 9:30 (no meeting) |
Deadline: Submit your group project proposal - e-mail to cc-ing everyone in your project group. |
14 Sep 2015 Monday 13:45 - 15:30 PAV B2 |
Lecture 6: Classification: Basic algorithms
- Naive Bayes, Nearest Neighbour, Decision tree learning, SVM
- Ensemble learning
- Evaluation of classification
Ch. 13,
Ch. 14, &
Ch. 15
(or IDM: Ch. 4)
14 Sep 2015 Monday 15:45 - 17:30 PAV B2 |
Lecture 7: Use of classification in IR
- Application aspects of classification
- Retrieval models, relevance feedback and classification
- Cost-sensitive classification
- Connections to learning to rank
Links to reading material |
16 Sep 2015 Wednesday 9:00 - 10:30 IPO 0.98 |
Feedback on group proposals: general and/or per group
16 Sep 2015 Wednesday 10:45 - 12:30 IPO 0.98 |
Lecture 8: Learning to Rank in IR
- General framework
- Popular approaches
- Evaluation
LTR in IR book,
21 Sep 2014 Monday 13:45 - 15:30 PAV B2 |
Lecture 9: Pattern mining, clustering and data/dimensionality reduction in IR
- Partitioning (kMeans) vs. hierarchical (AHC) clustering, density-based clustering (DBSCAN)
- Evaluation of clustering, cluster labeling
- Web usage mining - frequent pattern mining
- Sampling, feature selection and feature transformation approaches
Ch. 16 &
Ch. 17
(or IDM: Ch. 5),
Ch. 18
IDM: Ch. 6
21 Sep 2015 Monday 15:45 - 17:30 PAV B2 |
Lecture 10: Link mining for Information retrieval
- Web spam, SEO
- Google’s Pagerank, Hub and authorities (HITS)
- Link mining for better ranking on SERP.
Ch. 21 |
23 Sep 2013 Wednesday 10:45 – 12:30 Helix 1 |
Lecture 11: Search Engines.
- Web dragons and beyond
- Web search basics
- SE architecture and Web crawling
Ch. 19,
Ch. 20,
28 Sep 2015 Monday 13:45-–15:30 PAV B2 |
Lecture 12: Personalization with user modelling
- Dealing with a variety of information needs and information resources
- Social Search and Personalization
- IR and recommender systems: popular content- and collaborative-based approaches, plus various hybrids
- Adaptive news access as an example
- Design issues, issues of trust and vulnerability
Links to reading material |
28 Sep 2015 Monday 15:45 - 17:30 PAV B2 |
Lecture 13: Brief summary of the course and (not) covered topics
- Matching, ranking, filtering, and use of user signal revisited
- Advanced R&D issues in IR, current trends
30 Sep 2015 Wednesday 10:45 - 12:30 IPO 0.98 |
FAQ: Partial exam and group project deliverables and presentation
14 Oct 2015 Wednesday 9:00-12:00 location tbc |
Partial Exam. There is no resit for the partial exam.
- It is necessary to bring a laptop that has an access to TUe network
- The results will be available by October 28.
- You can come and discuss your results on November 5th, 10.00-12.00.
26 Oct 2015 8:30 (am) |
Deadline: Submit your group project report - send e-mail to cc-ing everyone in your project group. I would highly appreciate if you submit it before the weekend.
- Detailed instructions on deliverables and how the projects will be evaluated can be found in Sakai.
- Important: group report, besides overall architecture and achievements should contain clearly identifiable DM part and IR part for each group member.
28 Oct 2015 9:00 - 12:30 AUD (tbc) |
Groups 1-10 project presentations:
- Demo plus poster presentation,
- Group project grade contributes 70% to your final course grade.
28 Oct 2015 13:30 - 17:00 AUD (tbc) |
Groups 11-20 project presentations:
- Demo plus poster presentation,
- Group project grade contributes 70% to your final course grade.
29 Oct 2015 17:30 |
Deadline: Submit your peer-evaluation summary - send e-mail to cc-ing everyone in your project group.
- Detailed instructions on peer evaluation can be found in Sakai.
- This is an optional activity. You can bonus points for the evaluation.
15 Jan 2016 13:30 |
Deadline for delayed projects: Submit your group project report - send e-mail to cc-ing everyone in your project group.
- Detailed instructions on deliverables and how the projects will be evaluated can be found in Sakai.
- Important: group report, besides overall architecture and achievements should contain clearly identifiable DM part and IR part for each group member.
20 Jan 2016 18:00-21:00 |
Delayed group project presentations. This means the 1st attempt failed disregarding whether you used it or not. And you make the 2nd attempt.