Funded Projects
CAPA: Context-Aware Predictive Analytics (principal investigator, 2011-2015)
HaCDAIS: Handling Concept Drift in Adaptive Information Systems (principal investigator, 2008-2012)
GAF: Generic adaptation framework (co-promotor, 2008-2011)
COMPASS: Complex Patterns in Streams (team member, 2009-2013)
- NL Agency CoDaK: Co-evolving Document collections & Knowledge structures (co-PI, 2011-2013)
CurriM: Curriculum Mining (principal investigator, Mar - Oct, 2012)
- EIT ICT Labs: Health and Wellbeing Action Line (TU/e partner), Stress@work activity (co-PI, 2010-2013)
- NL Agency KWR MIP: Medical Information Processing, Philips Research and TU/e (RPM task leader, 2009-2010)
- EU FP7 STREP: GRAPPLE: Generic Responsive Adaptive Personalized Learning Environment (TU/e partner, team member, 2008-2011)
Collaboration with Industry
- Context-Aware Predictive Web Analytics, Adversitement B.V., Sanoma Media Netherlands, HWI Group, StudyPortals B.V., De Winter Media Groep, My Micro Group B.V.
- Remote Patient Management, Philips Research
- Health and Wellbeing, Philips Research, Human Capital Care
- Social Media Mining, Teezir B.V., Multiscope B.V., Adversitement B.V.
- Legal Information Retrieval, C-Content B.V.
- Food Sales Prediction, Sligro B.V.
- CFB Boilers Sensors Data Mining, VTT, Finland
Master Projects and Internships
- MSc thesis ongoing
- Laavanyaa Balasubramanian Hospital workflow data analytics (Philips Research, supervised together with dr. Supriyo Chatterjea), expected by August 2016
- Fengjun Wang on predictive/proactive maintenance service (Philips Research, supervised together with dr. Kees Wouters), expected by August 2016
- Hao Zhang Consumer insights analytics: air purifier use case (Philips Research, supervised together with dr. Qi Gao and Mark Graus), expected by August 2016
- Yangfengfan Zhang Philips Hue data analytics, (Philips Research, supervised together with dr. Pierluigi Casale), expected by August 2016
- Daniel Duwaer Self-learning adaptive traffic regulation and management, expected by August 2016
- Harm Eggels Soccer analytics (PSV), expected by September 2016
- Adam Zika Identification of lead users on social media (, supervised together with dr. Jeroen Scheppers and dr. Jorn Bakker), expected by August 2016
- Edward Brinkmann Improving the search engine user experience, expected by August 2016
- Koen Vrijdag Real Estate Value Prediction, expected by August 2016
- Roy Haanen Predicting aircraft performance in civil aviation, expected by August 2016
- Bob Giesbers Exceptional model mining, expected by August 2016
- Simon van der Zon Ethics-aware learning analytics, expected by August 2016
- Dennis Eikelenboom Enterprise resource demand prediction through mining of sales data, (Microsoft), expected by August 2016
- Vincent van Bergen Realtime bidding, (Targetcircle, supervised together with dr. Heiko Hildebrandt), expected by August 2016
- Rosa Sicilia Information diffusion in social media, (external MSc from U. Rome, supervised together with Yulong Pei), expected by October 2016
- Stella Lo Giudice Information diffusion in social media, (external MSc from U. Rome, supervised together with Yulong Pei), expected by October 2016
- Stijn Hoogervorst Inferring Demographics of Website Visitors with Supervised Learning, Adversitement BV, expected by June 2016
- Fangjing Wu Intelligent strategies to learn and recognise lifestyle patterns, (IMEC, supervised together with dr. Giuseppina Schiavone), expected by July 2016
- Cas Hariri Data mining for understanding and optimizing building energy efficiency, (COFELY GDF-SUEZ), expected by June 2016
- Simon Nouwens Soccer Analytics (, supervised together with dr. Martijn Willemsen and Thijs Putman), expected June 2016
- MSc thesis completed
- Xu Wang Feature learning for efficient control, (Philips Research, supervised together with dr. Vlado Menkovski), January 2016
- Joep Fennema Accounting for biases in display advertising, (UVA), expected December 2015
- Pieter-Paul Kramer Modeling the effects of repeated interaction on user persuasion in an online setting (WE@TUE), November 2015
- Boris Nikolov Data-enabled services project for retail (Philips Research, main supervisor dr. Dirk Fahland), November 2015
- Vladimir Orekhov Multi-armed Contextual Bandits for User Persuasion(supervised together with dr. Maurits Kaptein), August 2015
- Stefan Patelski Identification of Sensitive Messages in Social Media (Aalto U, supervised together with Aris Gionis), July 2015
- Alexander NieuwenhuijseMatching Tweets with Accidents, (, supervised together with Frank Scheelen and Jorn Bakker), April 2015
- Sven Bastianen Towards an Architecture for the Support of Integrated Personal Health Records, (IE&IS@TUE, main supervisor dr. Pieter van Gorp), March 2015
- Pavel Smirnovs Personae Linking with An Application to Authorship Profiling, (TUE, supervised together with Erik Tromp), December 2014
- Soumya Ranjan Patra Named Entity Recognition and Disambiguation in Tweets (TUE, supervised together with Erik Tromp), August 2014
- Wouter Heeswijk Structure preserving graph sampling and methods for partitioning graphs (TUE, main advisor: dr. George Fletcher), August 2014
- Georgios Aravanis Biomedical Literature Recommender System (Philips Research, supervised together with dr. Anca Bucur), February 2014
- Timur Bagautdinov Machine Learning Framework for Bayesian Signal Processing (EE@TUE, main advisor: Prof. dr. Bert de Vries), August 2013
- Ioanna Sokoreli Data Analytics Framework for Supporting Clinical Trials in Remote Patient Management (Philips Research, supervised together with dr. Aleksandra Tesanovic), September 2013
- Bram Keijers Context-Aware Recommenders reference architecture (STW CAPA project, supervised together with Julia Kiseleva), expected in January 2014
- Erkin Demirtas Multilingual sentiment analysis with Machine translation, October 2013
- Zheyi Rong Distributed pattern mining (STW CAPA project, supervised together with dr. Jeroen De Knijf), November 2013
- Timur Bagautdinov Real time factor graph computational framework (EE@TUE, main advisor: Prof. dr. Bert de Vries), January 2013
- Ajith Ganesan Failure Prediction in Twin Scan Machines (ASML), August 2012
- Hindra Kurniawan Mining Multi Modal Data Sources for Stress-Awareness (Stress@work project), August 2012
- Identifying and Utilizing Contextual Information for Banner Scoring in Display Advertising by Vitaly Kliger (STW CAPA project supervised together with Jeroen De Knijf), October 2012
- Sentiment Analysis on Social Media for Online Market Research by Erik Tromp (Multiscope B.V.). Erik's thesis won two awards: the Best IT-thesis of the Netherlands 2011 granted by De Koninklijke Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen and Berenschot thesis award, July 2011.
- Utilizing Social Media Data for Search Engine Marketing by Murat Ongun (Adversitement B.V.), August 2011
- Context-Aware Advertisement in Online News Media by Agus Wiro Susilo (Adversitement B.V.), August 2011
- Towards Adaptive Retrieval and Recommendation of Higher Education Programmes by Thijs Putman, May 2010.
- Patient Modeling for Next Generation Remote Patient Management Systems: Heart Failure Hospitalization Prediction by Goran Manev
(1st advisor; together with A. Tesanovic, Philips Research), February 2010;
- Mining Food Wholesales Data by Priyan Vasanthapriyan
(1st advisor; together H. Jaspers from Sligro Foodgroup B.V.), February 2010;
- Educational Data and Process Mining by Wouter de Boer
(1st advisor; together with Wil van der Aalst), February 2010;
- Web Page Segmentation & Structure Analysis for Eliminating Nonrelevant Content by Samuel Louvan
(1st advisor; together with A. van Bunningen from Teezir B.V.), August 2009;
- Context-aware Recommender Systems by Mehmet Cubuk
(1st advisor; together with B. Nieme from Adversitement B.V.), August 2009;
- Cross Channel Self Service Usage Analysis by Guido Budziak
(1st advisor; together with B. Nieme from Adversitement B.V.), November 2008;
- Data Mining Approach for Decision Support in Stock Replenishments by Patrick Meulstee
(1st advisor; together with H. Jaspers from Sligro Foodgroup B.V.), November 2008;
- Automatic classification of Dutch legal documents by S.W. (Bas) Gijzen
(1st advisor; together with I. Sampurna from C-Content), June 2007;
- Tracking the Brain Selecting Internet Information: an Eye-Tracking Study on Evaluation Criteria by L.W. van Meeuwen
(3rd advisor; together with D.G Bouwhuis, Human Technology Interaction (TU/e) and S. Brand-Gruwel, Educational Technology Expertise Centre (Open University)), March 2008.
- Visualization of Click Stream by Rick Hendricksen
(internship at Synerscope and O2MC, supervised together with Danny Holten and Guido Budziak)
- Real time factor graph computational framework by Timur Bagautdinov
(together with Prof. Bert de Vries from Dept. Electrical Engineering), January 2013;
- Generic Framework for the Predictive Visualization of Project Management by Vincent van der Weele
(together with G. Budziak from Adversitement B.V.), February 2010;
- Market Basket Analysis of Food Wholesales Data by Priyan Vasanthapriyan
(together with Drs. ing. H. Jaspers from Sligro B.V.), April 2009;
- Predicting Students’ Success and Drop Out by Gerben W. Dekker (EE Department of TU/e)
(together with Dr. J. Vleeshouwers, TU/e), April 2009;
- Development of a Technical Framework for Web Usage Analysis by Guido Budziak
(together with B. Nieme from Adversitement B.V.), March 2008.
Available projects and Job opportunities
We have filled all open PhD and Postdoc positions.
At this moment we do not offer summer internships.
We offer master and internship projects for TU/e students only.
If you plan to do your master project under my supervision, I highly recommend you to take Web Analytics (2IID0), Web Information Retrieval and Data Mining(2ID26), Web Information Systems (2II36) courses and Web Engineering (Information Systems) Seminar (2ID96).
I welcome students who are interested in data science, and in particular in studying and applying in practice advanced machine learning, data mining, knowledge discovery, information retrieval and recommendation techniques.
We often have projects for different tastes. Whether you like developing new algorithms and techniques or designing and implementing intelligent systems or exploring large datasets, we should be able to find a suitable assignment for you.
Here is a noninclusive list of current general topics, within which specific projects are available or can be defined:
- Context-aware predictive analytics;
- Web analytics and web data mining;
- Personalization in wearable computing applications;
- Educational data mining and learning analytics, including professional training;
- Data mining for personalization;
- Data mining for persuasion;
- Context-awareness and learning in changing environments;
- Industrial sensor data mining.
If you have your own idea for the project or want to work on your own start up, we can also try to define a project with a right scope.
Got interested? Drop me an e-mail or talk to me during a lecture break if you attend one of the courses I currently teach.
Last update: 11 July 2015.